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Screenshot of Daniel Rozin, “Time Scan,” 2004
Copyright: bitforms gallery

Daniel Rozin, “Time Scan,” 2004

Filmed and edited by Victoria Sendra.

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Screenshot of “Pulse Index” at MCA Sydney
Copyright: bitforms gallery

“Pulse Index” at MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

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Screenshot of Moving Southwark by Jevan Chowdhury
Copyright: Jevan Chowdhury

Moving Southwark by Jevan Chowdhury

"...Part of the wider Moving Cities remit to investigate culture and people via expressions of dance, we take you deeper into London, probing further into what makes up the people in a city.

The narrator, Nadine Marshall and composer, Danny Odom form a score underwritten by 24 dancers.
Each dancer was asked to respond directly whats on their mind in that given time, in that given moment. ..."

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Moving Yerevan

By Jevan Chowdhury

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Screenshot of Moving Yerevan
Copyright: Jevan Chowdhury

Moving Yerevan by Jevan Chowdhury

"Moving Yerevan is an emotive response to the meeting of 47 dancers and the metropolis.

Too intuitive and almost impossible to clarify in formal terms, Moving Yerevan can be loosely described as playful filmmaking meets the hidden language of dance.

Yerevan is one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. The history of it's people simply measured in millennia.
I encourage all to take a brief look at Armenian history before watching."

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Screenshot of Folclore Digital by vjsuave
Copyright: vjsuave

Folclore Digital by vjsuave

"O projeto propõe um mergulho nas lendas do folclore brasileiro utilizando elementos tecnológicos multimídia."

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By Cartoon Brew

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Screenshot of "I"
Copyright: Cartoon Brew

"I" by Isabela Dos Santos

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Une Mission Ephemere

By Paracelso Zeppelin

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Screenshot of Une Mission Ephemere
Copyright: Paracelso Zeppelin

Piotr Kamler - Une Mission Ephemere 1993

"Kamler's animated cinema suggests a singular variety of science fiction. Completely unalike to more conventionally linear and text-based narratives, Kamler's films instead explore a series of dynamic visual motifs. Typically, the conclusion of these films is less suggestive of resolution, than it is of recurring episode."

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