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à la fin…

By nicolas lichtle

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Screenshot of à la fin…
Copyright: nicolas lichtle

à la fin… by Nicolas Lichtle.

"Here is a film ... , it's neither fiction nor animation, the graphic style is rather singular. It's a moment of introspection, very intimate, staged through a succession of small moments imbued with poetry, absurdity and sometimes surrealism…"

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Sea You

By Ben Brand

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Screenshot of Sea You
Copyright: Ben Brand

Sea You by Ben Brand

"Would you feel it? Would you know it? Travel back in time and sea for yourself...
When my girlfriend told me the story of her family spreading her deceased grandmothers ash over the sea (like a lot of people around the world do) i started wondering what actually happens to all that ash ..."

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Screenshot of The Beauty - Animated Short (2019)
Copyright: Pascal Schelbli

The Beauty - Animated Short (2019)
by Pascal Schelbli

"What if plastic could be integrated into sea life? The Beauty directed by Pascal Schelbli is a poetic journey through the oceans, which are simultaneously stunning and filthy. Discover a world where concerns and fears dissolve into the mysterious depth of the polluted blue sea."

Director: Pascal Schelbli
VFX Supervisor: Marc Angele
Producers: Aleksandra Todorovic, Tina Vest
Underwater Cinematography: David Iskender Dinçer
Creature TD: Noel Winzen
Lead TD: Lukas Gotkowski
Animation: Noel Winzen, Pascal Schelbli
Lead Rigging: Noel Winzen
Rigging: Lukas Gotkowski · Seyed Ahmad Hosseini
Modeling: Pascal Schelbli, Fynn Große-Bley, Noel Winzen
Additional Modeling: Paul Golter, Mitja Öhm
Lead Sculpting: Fynn Große-Bley
Sculpting: Noel Winzen, Pascal Schelbli
Texturing: Marc Angele, Pascal Schelbli
Lighting/Shading: Marc Angele
FX/Simulation: Lukas Gotkowski, Noel Winzen, Tim Markgraf
Compositing: Marc Angele, Pascal Schelbli
Pipeline: Marc Angele
Storyboard/Animatic/Previs/Character Design: Pascal Schelbli
Editing: Pascal Schelbli
Additional Editing: Daniela Schramm Moura

Music: Alexander Wolf David, Petteri Sainio
Orchestration & Additional Composer: Meike Katrin Stein
Orchestra: Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg
Sound Design & Mixing: Robin Harff

Poem: Pascal Schelbli
Creative Translator: Zornitsa Dimitrova

Color Grading: Peter Hacker (fatrat Color Grading GmbH)

VoiceOver: Charlie H Gardner

Created at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and Animationsinstitut

Supported by diving.DE

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Novo Amor - Birthplace

By Studio Birthplace

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Screenshot of Novo Amor - Birthplace
Copyright: Studio Birthplace

Novo Amor - Birthplace by Studio Birthplace

"Birthplace tells the symbolic story of a man arriving on a perfect earth, who encounters his nemesis in the form of ocean trash."

Directed & Written by Sil van der Woerd & Jorik Dozy

Don't miss to watch the Making-of:

More info:

Produced by Sean Lin, New Frontier Pictures
Line Producer: Bayu Topan
Cast: Michael Board
Cinematography by Nihal Friedel
Art Director by Dalbo Suarimbawa
Supported by Zen Freediving

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A Decade of Sun

By NASA Goddard

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Screenshot of A Decade of Sun
Copyright: NASA Goddard

A Decade of Sun by NASA Goddard

June 2, 2010 - June 1, 2020
Every second is a day

"As of June 2020, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory — SDO — has now been watching the Sun non-stop for over a full decade. From its orbit in space around the Earth, SDO has gathered 425 million high-resolution images of the Sun, amassing 20 million gigabytes of data over the past 10 years. ..."

Music: "Solar Observer" written and produced for this video by Lars Leonhard (

Video credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO
Scott Wiessinger (USRA): Lead Producer
Tom Bridgman (GST): Lead Data Visualizer
Mara Johnson-Groh (Wyle Information Systems): Lead Science Writer

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Tomorrow’s On Fire

By Oh Yeah Wow

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Screenshot of Tomorrow’s On Fire
Copyright: Oh Yeah Wow

Tomorrow’s On Fire by Oh Yeah Wow

Created in direct response to the Australian Bushfire crisis, Darcy Prendergast's new film #TomorrowsOnFire is a rallying cry for hope, in a country increasingly scarce of it.

Please help support injured Australian wildlife, by making a donation to:

I’m angered, incensed, enraged and fed up.
With you lazy, ignorant fossil fool chumps

You’ve sold out our nation, and served up division
Whilst it’s grief stricken people, scream at deaf politicians

And it’s not just the humans— our animals fry
While you coal hearted arsonists, continue to thrive.

On our future you wager, without heed nor concern
Just misinformation, while our backyards burn

You elected officials hold aloft lumps of coal,
With the pride of an Olympian, who’s just won gold

From up high on ye’ podium, you silence dissenters
What we’ve come to expect, from you bald one percenters

You should be disgraced, and thrown headfirst from office.
Do not pass go, do not stock mining coffers.

Instead you drive narratives, of left vs right,
Whilst you all fear, what the middle just might.

So rally together, love strong and rage stronger
So that life on this planet, can last some time longer.

Tomorrow’s on fire, and the sky it bleeds crimson.
So it’s about time, we made our tax dollars listen.

Made by: Oh Yeah Wow,

Written, animated & directed by: Darcy Prendergast.

Narrated by: Miles M.

Sound Design by: Richard Tamplenizza.

Narration recorded by: Talia Raso @ Dead On Sound.

Coloured by: Jayden Dowler, Meg Lee, Matt Abello, Marc Moynihan, Michael Sweeney.

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