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Projects filtered by tag 'dreams'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
Copyright: dunne & raby

Technological Dream Series: No. 1, Robots
by dunne & raby

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard.
Copyright: a dandypunk

Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard. A live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017
Trailer for a live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017 by Dandypunk, Darin Basile and Jo Cattell


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Cargo Cult

By bastiendubois

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Screenshot of Cargo Cult
Copyright: bastiendubois

Cargo Cult
by bastiendubois

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Homeless by vjsuave

By Cecilia Soloaga

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Homeless by vjsuave
Copyright: Cecilia Soloaga

Homeless by vjsuave.com

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Children of Future Sleep

By Ivan Gopienko

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Screenshot of Children of Future Sleep
Copyright: Ivan Gopienko

Children of Future Sleep by Ivan Gopienko

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Ah! Sunflower

By Chen Winner

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Ah! Sunflower
Copyright: Chen Winner

Ah! Sunflower by Chen Winner

Sound design: Ariel Armoni

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Screenshot of OSSA
Copyright: IMBRO

OSSA by Dario Imbrogno

Director and animator: Dario Imbrogno
Cinematography: Giancarlo Morieri
Music and sound design: Enrico Ascoli
Postproduction: Emilio Sapia
produced by Withstand

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