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Projects filtered by tag 'desire'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of O Matko! | Oh Mother!
Copyright: FUMI
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Echo and Narcissus

By Anna Ginsburg

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Screenshot of Echo and Narcissus
Copyright: Anna Ginsburg

Echo and Narcissus

Directed and animated by Anna Ginsburg.

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By Bonobostudio

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Hunger
Copyright: Bonobostudio

Hunger by Bonobostudio

"Everything that is alive is hungry; seed is hungry for light, bird is hungry for flight, man is hungry for the touch of another. The seed of longing grows into what feeds us.

A film by Petra Zlonoga
Animation: Petra Zlonoga, Jelena Oroz
Sound: Andrea Martignoni
Editing: Iva Kraljević
Production: Bonobostudio"

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Crime of Passion
Copyright: Min Liu

情殺案 Crime of Passion by Min Liu

"This animation is a visual interpretation of a poem, 'Crime of Passion' written by a Taiwanese poet, Hsia Yu.

This animation is a visual interpretation of a poem, "Crime of Passion" written by a Taiwanese poet, Hsia Yu. It is selected from her 1984 poetry collection, Beiwanglu, Memoranda. She reveals her emotions of love and sadness intertwined with one another and connects them with abstractions and metaphors. It expresses the preemptive feelings and desire for love regardless of reality. With the artist's way of interpretation, the poem transforms and alters its original forms. The artist wishes to present the poem in a different aesthetics from words to images."

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The Unfinished Painting

By Rositsa Vangelova

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Screenshot of The Unfinished Painting
Copyright: Rositsa Vangelova

The Unfinished Painting by Rositsa

"A young painter desperately tries to draw the best eyes for the woman’s face in his painting and mysteriously falls into the surrealistic world, created by his own imagination."

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By Nicolas Ménard

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Somewhere
Copyright: Nicolas Ménard

Somewhere (2013) by Nicolas Ménard

First year film made at the Royal College of Art.

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Screenshot of ALTNEULAND


"My graduation film at Bezalel Academy of Art & Design.
And this year (2013) it is displayed at the Annecy Festival and the Cannes short Film corner Festival.

You are welcome to watch.

The film is a subjective interpretation of the utopian novel, 'Altneuland' writen by Theodor Herzl. By using a surrealist allegory, the film tries to deal with the collapse of Herzl's dream and seeks to emphasize the sense of absurdity and instability..."

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