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Screenshot of From Over Here (On Stuttering)
Copyright: Patrick Buhr

From Over Here (On Stuttering) by Patrick Buhr

"This is a film about stuttering. Oh, and also about apple trees, catcallers, Goethe's Faust, pigeons, forests and girls on horses."

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By Films.Dance

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Screenshot of DisInteGrated
Copyright: Films.Dance

DisInteGrated by Wade Robson and Tony Testa

"A mind-bending meditation of movement and sound, on letting go of what was and surrendering to what is.

Filmed in Maui, Hawaii
Directed, Choreographed & Edited By: Wade Robson and Tony Testa
Featuring: Tony Testa
Music composed, performed and produced by Zara McFarlane
Cinematography By: Wade Robson
Title Animation By: Laurence Muleh
Assistant to the Choreographers: Cody Bingham
Music Mix & Mastered By: Ed West
Colorist: Will Adashek
Re-Integrators: Amanda and Koa Robson
Featured Songs: Asunder, Disintegrated. Emotif, Grit, Receive, Nya"

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Screenshot of Nothing is Original
Copyright: Poligonic

Nothing is Original by Alberto Sáenz Gómez Tello

"Nothing is Original" is an extract of the article "Things I’ve Learned: Jim Jarmusch"

Written by Jim Jarmusch.

Direction, Art & Animation by Alberto Sáenz Gómez Tello.
Additional Art by Giovana Hernández Constantino. /

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By Jin Angdoo

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Screenshot of SEQUENCE
Copyright: Jin Angdoo

SEQUENCE by Jin Angdoo and Dan Munro

"A short film made with a scientist Dan Munro about protein folding during Imagine Science Films Festival in NY."

Art / Camera by Jin Angdoo and Dan Munro
Edit / FX / Color by Jin Angdoo
Sound by Merche Blasco
Titles by Mathieu Julien
Title Font Vendredi by Anton Moglia
Special thanks to Alina Maria Rancier, Nate Dorr and Lauren Kaye

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By Theodore Ushev Indies&leftovers

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Demoni
Copyright: Theodore Ushev Indies&leftovers

A film painted directly on 50 vinyl records, shot using different speeds of an old Viking gramophone.

Music: Kottarashky&The Rain Dogs
Producing label: Asphalt Tango, Berlin

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Urban Sun by Roosegaarde cleans public spaces of the coronavirus
Copyright: Studio Roosegaarde

Urban Sun by Roosegaarde cleans public spaces of the coronavirus by Studio Roosegaarde

"World's first Urban Sun cleans public spaces of the coronavirus for better human gatherings. Inspired by the light of the sun, and backed by scientific research that proves a new, specific light can safely clean up to 99.9% of the coronavirus, Studio Roosegaarde launches Urban Sun.

Daan Roosegaarde and his team of designers, external experts, and scientists challenged themselves to discover how the power of light can be used to combat viruses and therefore enhance our well-being. Research shows that though traditional 254nm UV light is harmful, the new far-UVC light with a wavelength of 222 nanometers can actually sanitize viruses safely. Urban Sun, a project in development by Studio Roosegaarde, shines a large circle of this far-UVC light into public spaces, cleaning those spaces of the coronavirus. It acts as an additional layer of protection to current government rules. Urban Sun aims to inspire hope. It combats the negative impact of social isolation by aiming to improve cultural gatherings, sporting events, public squares, and schoolyards."

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