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Projects filtered by tag 'creativity'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.

Tiny People Tribe

By Motomichi Studio

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Tiny People Tribe
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

"Tiny People Tribe" by Motomichi Studio, Quito Ecuador

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By mappingfestival

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Screenshot of DISORDER
Copyright: mappingfestival

DISORDER - Kevin Ramseier (dance), François Moncarey (programming),
Ben frost & Tarrabass (music) at CENC - Mapping Festival 2011, Geneva."

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The Making of Longbird

By Will Anderson

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Screenshot of The Making of Longbird
Copyright: Will Anderson

The Making of Longbird by Will Anderson.

Director: Will Anderson
Writer(s): Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson, Vitalij Sicinava
Producer: Donald Holwill.
Cast: Will Anderson, Tobias Feltus, Vitalij Sicinava
Music: Composer: Atzi
Piano Solo: Derek Williams
Violin: Kate Miguda
Cello, extra strings: Atzi
Sound Design: Keith Duncan

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By Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

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Screenshot of EncuadrArte
Copyright: Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

EncuadrArte by Pedro Deltell

BI-MA Interactive Installation for the Artdemossa. TorpeDeArte Collective.

El 24 de Julio en el Artdemossa durante las fiestas de Valdemossa Oigovisiones Team montó una fiesta-pipote con 5 proyectores reciclados, un par de cámaras, 8 ordenadores y una triplehead2go. ¡Este es el resultado!

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By Genelabo

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of Projektionsradl
Copyright: Genelabo

Projektionsradl by Genelabo at G-Freinacht, Munich, Germany 2013

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Travis - Moving

By Wriggles & Robins

Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Travis - Moving
Copyright: Wriggles & Robins

Travis - Moving by Wriggles & Robins.

The 2nd single from Travis' upcoming album 'Where You Stand', released Aug 19, 2013.

All visuals captured in camera by back projecting the animated story into the breaths of the band.
In the same way that you can see your breath on a cold day, we filmed at -1ºC to make the animations appear.

Directed by Wriggles & Robins

Light Forms

By Malcolm Sutherland

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Screenshot of Light Forms
Copyright: Malcolm Sutherland

Light Forms by Malcolm Sutherland

A short experimental floaty & aimless animation.
Soundtrack is also made by Malcolm Sutherland.

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