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By ainslie henderson

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Screenshot of stems
Copyright: ainslie henderson

Stems by ainslie henderson

Puppet making made to make music.

Featuring music by Poppy Ackroyd

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Screenshot of Klanglichter - an interactive audiovisual experience
Copyright: Onat Hekimoglu

Klanglichter - an interactive audiovisual experience by Onat Hekimoglu and Tobias Kreter.

"A laser harp reimagined as a controller for an interactive audiovisual experience. ...
Made with Unity, Arduino and LOVE ..."

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Screenshot of Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera
Copyright: Tobias Gremmler

Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera by Tobias Gremmler

Created for a theatre production that fuses Chinese Opera with New Media, the virtual actors are inspired by shapes, colors and motions of traditional Chinese costumes and dance. The project made me think of how costumes and fashion could reshape a human body.

Theatre Credits:
Lord Guan Yu on Stage
Scriptwriter: Wang An-qi
Director and Designer: Mathias Woo @ Zuni Icosahedron
Digital Images: Tobias Gremmler
Performed by: GuoGuang Opera Company (Taipei)

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Screenshot of A History of the Sky
Copyright: Ken Murphy

A History of the Sky by Ken Murphy

"This is a year-long time-lapse study of the sky. A camera installed on the roof of the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco captured an image of the sky every 10 seconds. From these images, I created a mosaic of time-lapse movies, each showing a single day. The days are arranged in chronological order. My intent was to reveal the patterns of light and weather over the course of a year."

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Screenshot of For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw
Copyright: Xaver Xylophon

For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw by Xaver Xylophon

"Green, yellow, black. They are the blood in the veins of Bangalore: the 450.000 rickshaws and their drivers. Knocked together from bits and pieces, decorated, ready for the junk heap or carefully maintained like antique cars, the vehicles are as charismatic as their owners, who brave the monstrous traffic of this metropolis daringly, sleepy, chattering or stoic, making sure the passanger's trip from A to B will be full of memorable experiences.
Based on days of riding around in rickshaws and drawings made locally, this animation captures the tough workaday life of a rickshaw driver, seen through the eyes of a European visitor."

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Type / Dynamics


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Screenshot of Type / Dynamics
Copyright: LUST NL

Type / Dynamics by LUSTlab

"‘...Type/Dynamics’ interacts with and comments on the work of graphic designer Jurriaan Schrofer (1926–1990) in an effort to revitalize recent design history. The installation visualizes information that continuously surrounds us and is always accessible. By searching for real-time locations currently in the news, like "Ground Zero", "Reichstag”, or "Tiananmen square”, the installation can locate the panorama images from Google Streetview, abstract them into grids and fill the grids with new information. As a visitor to the space, you are literally 'transported’ to that location and surrounded by all the news associated with that specific location. Instead of a photographic representation, the place is represented purely typographically with a host of new items currently being talked about at that location..."

Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

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25 prepared dc-motors


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Screenshot of 25 prepared dc-motors

25 prepared dc-motors, filler wire 1.0mm Zimoun 2010:

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