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Screenshot of Media Space / Presence 6.3 / Nowness edition
Copyright: Universal Everything

Media Space / Presence 6.3 / Nowness edition by Universal Everything

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Presence 1.1

By Universal Everything

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Screenshot of Presence 1.1
Copyright: Universal Everything

Presence 1.1 by Universal Everything and You

"...These life-size abstract forms have been created by motion captured performances of dancers Julia Eichten and Nathan Makolandra from Benjamin Millepied’s LA Dance Project..."

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Screenshot of 染色体 C2 / Chromosome C2
Copyright: UFO Media Lab

染色体 C2 / Chromosome C2 by UFO Media Lab.

"In a sealing space constituted by elastic cloth, several dancers are doing the body language performance. Their behavior, which is fused as the carrier of life material information, are making the invisible and unsteady variation status inside the organism to be externalized via the gestures and movements of their performance. Being projected on elastic cloth, the lights"

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Type / Dynamics


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Screenshot of Type / Dynamics
Copyright: LUST NL

Type / Dynamics by LUSTlab

"‘...Type/Dynamics’ interacts with and comments on the work of graphic designer Jurriaan Schrofer (1926–1990) in an effort to revitalize recent design history. The installation visualizes information that continuously surrounds us and is always accessible. By searching for real-time locations currently in the news, like "Ground Zero", "Reichstag”, or "Tiananmen square”, the installation can locate the panorama images from Google Streetview, abstract them into grids and fill the grids with new information. As a visitor to the space, you are literally 'transported’ to that location and surrounded by all the news associated with that specific location. Instead of a photographic representation, the place is represented purely typographically with a host of new items currently being talked about at that location..."

Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

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Patterned by Nature

By Sosolimited

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Screenshot of Patterned by Nature
Copyright: Sosolimited

Patterned by Nature by Plebian Design, Hypersonic Design & Engineering, Patten Studio and Sosolimited

"...10 feet wide and 90 feet in length, this sculptural ribbon winds through the five story atrium of the museum and is made of 3600 tiles of LCD glass. It runs on roughly 75 watts, less power than a laptop computer. Animations are created by independently varying the transparency of each piece of glass...."

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Une Mission Ephemere

By Paracelso Zeppelin

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Screenshot of Une Mission Ephemere
Copyright: Paracelso Zeppelin

Piotr Kamler - Une Mission Ephemere 1993

"Kamler's animated cinema suggests a singular variety of science fiction. Completely unalike to more conventionally linear and text-based narratives, Kamler's films instead explore a series of dynamic visual motifs. Typically, the conclusion of these films is less suggestive of resolution, than it is of recurring episode."

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The Arctic Circle

By Kevin Parry

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Screenshot of The Arctic Circle
Copyright: Kevin Parry

The Arctic Circle by Kevin Parry

An Arctic inhabitant is fascinated by the sudden appearance of a mysterious box.
Kevin Parry - Director / Animator
Ihor Dawidiuk - Musical Score

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