Satellite Strangers
By James Bascara
Satellite Strangers by James Bascara
Hovver - Liminal Scope
By Chris Lunney
Hovver - Liminal Scope
by Chris Lunney and Katherine Brice
"Liminal Scope is an immersive light and sound installation, in which three rings frame the transit of light through space. The audiovisual score enmeshes harmonic frequencies, rhythmic motion, and gradients of color, orchestrating a narrative which navigates tension and release.
Our form of reality is mutually constructed by our perceptions along with their limitations. The installation's rings form an aperture that focuses and reveals a spatial quality of light, which usually remains unseen. Liminal Scope is a meditation on these perceptual limitations as they relate to our shared and individual perspectives on reality."
Sonic Light Bubble
ENESS Sonic Light Bubble White Night Melbourne 2017
By Anna Leterq
Métronome by Anna Leterq
Music by Rémi Subjobert
"Plongé dans la routine cacophonique du travail, un homme parvient à s'en échapper en composant sa musique du quotidien."
Daniel Rozin, “Time Scan,” 2004
By bitforms gallery
Daniel Rozin, “Time Scan,” 2004
Filmed and edited by Victoria Sendra.
Quartet for the End of Time
Quartet for the End of Time/The Crystal Liturgy
Animation/Direction: Simon Russell/Vicarage Studio
Commission: Emma Bharj/Sinifini Music
Sound Design: Redhorse Studio
With special thanks to Marcus du Sautoy
Quartet for the End of Time by Olivier Messiaen
Performed by Claude Desurmont (clarinet)
Luben Yordanoff (violin)
Albert Tétard (cello)
Daniel Barenboim (piano)
© 2015 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
By Thomas Ebert
Resonate - interactive light & sound installation.
The 40 meter long interior of a container boat becomes a box for light and sound. LED illuminated lines influences the sound interactively.
Resonate is a project of Master´s programm "Komunikation im Raum" FH Mainz, Germany and the Master´s programm "Klangkunst-Komposition" HFM Mainz for Luminale 2012. Web: Video: Thomas Ebert (www.ebert, Thomas Toth