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Projects filtered by tag 'urban'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.

Homeless by vjsuave

By Cecilia Soloaga

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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of Homeless by vjsuave
Copyright: Cecilia Soloaga

Homeless by vjsuave.com

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5 petits cochons

By Sarah Haug

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Screenshot of 5 petits cochons
Copyright: Sarah Haug

5 petits cochons by Sarah Haug

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Screenshot of “Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

“Tiny People Tribe” @ Dnieper River bridge

"Projection Mapping installation at Dnieper River bridge, Kiev, Ukraine for Linoleum Animation and Media Art Festival. 2015."

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Screenshot of Madrugada Desperada - VJ Suave [montagem]
Copyright: Fábio José

Madrugada Desperada - VJ Suave [montagem]
by Fábio José

"A série documental Madrugada Desperada conta com oito episódios apresentados por Fernanda Young dedicados a artistas que usam as madrugadas como plataforma de arte.
direção: Tom Stringhini
produtora: Conspiração Filmes"

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Auto by Conner Griffith

By Conner Griffith

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Screenshot of Auto by Conner Griffith
Copyright: Conner Griffith

Auto by Conner Griffith

Cars dance on highways, crowds of people wash across sidewalk shores.

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Through You

By il Luster

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Screenshot of Through You
Copyright: il Luster

Through You by Lucette Braune

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The Others

By Hiroshi Kondo / STNW

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Used technologies:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of The Others
Copyright: Hiroshi Kondo / STNW

The Others by Hiroshi Kondo / STNW

Direction Hiroshi Kondo(stnw.org)
DOP Yosuke Sato, Daisuke Kumagai(pict)
Sound notuv(notuv.net)

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