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As We Are

By Matthew Mohr

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Screenshot of As We Are
Copyright: Matthew Mohr

As We Are by Matthew Mohr 2017

"“As We Are” is a fourteen-foot, 3-D universal human head made from ribbons of ultra-bright, LED screens. In the back of the neck is a photo booth capable of taking 3D pictures. Once a visitor has their picture taken, they step out of the booth and their head is displayed on the giant head.
The sculpture addresses the relationship between self and representation of self, asking the subject of the portrait to reconsider presence through magnification. It is intended to provide amusement and evoke larger discussions around the phenomena of social media, diversity, and the power dynamic of public art ...."

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The Visit

By mustardcuffins

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Screenshot of The Visit
Copyright: mustardcuffins

The Visit by mustardcuffins

I went to Japan, it was like a place I knew, twice translated until it lost it's meaning and found a new resonance.

The track is Eet Lungfish

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Screenshot of YELLO Frautonium Warehouse
Copyright: Dirk Koy

YELLO Frautonium Warehouse by Dirk Koy

Music: Yello, yello.com
Mix: Andrew Weatherall

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Screenshot of Transpose by Super Magic Hats
Copyright: Tessa Chong

Transpose by Super Magic Hats

Music: Transpose by Super Magic Hats (Rob Masterton)
Concept, animation and direction: Tessa Chong
Illustration and animation: Lee Arkapaw

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Screenshot of Art to Architecture to Art Clip
Copyright: Spirit of Space

Art to Architecture to Art Clip
by Spirit of Space

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Berlin // Presentness


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Screenshot of Berlin // Presentness

Berlin // Presentness


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By min

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Screenshot of DIVERSION
Copyright: min

by min

"Constantly feeling rushed. Habitually saying ‘too busy’ or ‘quickly’. Always apprehensive that things might not be done in time. The desire to act quickly is basically a matter of speed. Elevation of speed requires reduction of time. The most economical way for this formula is a straight line. Connecting two points; starting and ending point, without a gap. People, consumed by the aim to reach the ending point, proceed rectilinearly. The space in between is merely a path leading to the ending point, and nothing more. This interspace has been omitted due to the rectilinear motion between the two points. Could people be liberated from the obsession of unidirectional movement and speed, if a new perspective is formed by visually converting the direction of spaces with intense unidirectional propensity?

Walls, doors and passageways that can involve the audience are installed in the interaction version. An image is projected onto the wall. It starts from the z-axis, consistent with the direction of the person advancing through the door. The image is composed of one-point perspective spaces and situations with intense unidirectional propensity. When the person proceeds in the intended direction, the sensor perceives the movement and the projected image revolves to the x-axis perspective. The image has a flat layout, lacking space perception. With the movement of people as the variable, the image portrays different spaces revolving on their axises.

In the animation version, symbolizes the interspace. Generally, fish are recognized from its profiles. It is more natural to visualize fish moving in the intersectional direction of people’s line of sight. While we constantly move rectilinearly, the space from the side; the interspace, could inhabit naturally travelling sideways."

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