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By bearingsglocken

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Screenshot of grand
Copyright: bearingsglocken

'grand' - Bearings Glocken music collections #5 by Kawase Kohske

"BEARINGS GLOCKEN is a musical instrument that automatically performs a glockenspiel using steel ball for bearings... for millions of smiles."

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Screenshot of Lichtklangphonogramm
Copyright: SoundKino

Lichtklangphonogramm by Melissa Cruz Garcia, Aleks Kolkowski , Matteo Marangoni, Anne Wellmer

An exhibition of historical and re-invented optical and mechanical sound machines from the era of the wax cylinder phonograph.

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Fractal Flowers

By Miguel Chevalie

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Screenshot of Fractal Flowers
Copyright: Miguel Chevalie

Fractal Flowers 2011 by Miguel Chevalier

Installation de réalité virtuelle générative et interactive
Festival La Novela, Musée d'art Moderne et
Contemporain - Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
3 vidéoprojecteur, 1 PC, 1 caméra infrarouge
33 x 7,50 m

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Wave Interference 1

By Robyn Moody

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Screenshot of Wave Interference 1
Copyright: Robyn Moody

Wave Interference 1 by Robyn Moody.

Presentated at Eastern Bloc, Montréal, QC, Canada, as part of the Sight & Sound Festival, 2012.

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Stifters Dinge

By ruhrtriennale 2012 2013 2014

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Screenshot of Stifters Dinge
Copyright: ruhrtriennale 2012 2013 2014

Heiner Goebbels: Stifters Dinge

...Stifters Dinge – The Unguided Tour, in which the visitor has complete freedom to explore the huge machine with its stones, metal, pianos, water reservoirs, rain, fog, ice and hidden voices. Everyone can follow his/ her instincts on entering and choose when to leave and when to return; and to observe the decelerated motion of things (›Dinge‹) with access from all sides...

Production by Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne E.T.E. in Coproduction with Ruhrtriennale. In Corealisation with Artangel London.

Film by/(c) O PRODUCTION

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black mirror

By Robert Seidel

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Screenshot of black mirror
Copyright: Robert Seidel

"black mirror" by Robert Seidel

The title "Black Mirror" refers to the dark mirror used in the 18th century for landscape painting, also called Claude

Black Mirror – A New Installation and Moving Paintings
1st US Solo Show of Robert Seidel Young Projects, Space B210, Los Angeles
March 22nd to August 20th 2011
Projection on Paper Sculptures in front of a Mirror
Sculpture #1: 1,6 x 1,2 x 0,8 m (shown)
Sculpture #2: 2,1m x 0,8 x 0,9 m
USA / Germany 2011

Artists websit:

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Screenshot of And All the Question Marks Started to Sing
Copyright: FuturePerfect

"All the Question Marks Started to Sing" a new work by the Norwegian art collective Verdensteatret, was the opening event of FuturePerfect 2011.

FuturePerfect is new performance, media, art and technology initiative founded by Wayne Ashley, the former Director of Arts in Multimedia at Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).

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