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By La Gaîté Lyrique

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Screenshot of Glong
Copyright: La Gaîté Lyrique

Glong! Glong by Romain Blanc-Tailleur and Damien Pelletier.

Directed by Romain Blanc-Tailleur, Damien Pelletier. Produced by EnsAD - École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs Genres : Animated film - Runtime : 7 min 11 seconds Production year : 2008

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Screenshot of Graphics Speak Exhibition
Copyright: wengnam

Graphics Speak Exhibition by Weng-Nam Yap

"‘Graphics Speak’ is about translating visual elements to sound, as it consists of a collection of patterns that can be turned into audible experience. Each archetype has its own harmonious composition made by mixing them on a turntable. The installation is contextualized within a darkroom, by broadcasting live video recording of the graphics on an analog television, where the transmitted electromagnetic waves are translated into sound through using a sensor. Therefore in this case, what you hear is what you see. In the exhibition, it also contains the process and various experiments of visualizing sound and vice versa."

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Jons and the Spider
Copyright: Moth

Jons and the Spider.
Directed by Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits and Soyoung Hyun,
sound design by Tom Lowe; produced at the Royal College of Art, 2010

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Screenshot of Reactive installation
Copyright: undefined

Reactive installation at platine festival 2012, Cologne Ehrenfeld, Germany.

4 kinects provide a 5x5m wider interaction field for visitors
using this 3d information we generate sound, kinect movements and graphics.

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undefined development
platine cologne festival

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Screenshot of El Empleo / The Employment
Copyright: opusBou

El Empleo / The Employment
by Santiago 'Bou' Grasso.

Cortometraje de animación / animated short film
Dirección / Direction: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso
Idea: Patricio Plaza
Animación / Animation: Santiago 'Bou' Grasso / Patricio Plaza
Diseño de títulos / Titles design: Natalia Acosta
Productora / Production company: Opusbou

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Light Forms

By Malcolm Sutherland

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Screenshot of Light Forms
Copyright: Malcolm Sutherland

Light Forms by Malcolm Sutherland

A short experimental floaty & aimless animation.
Soundtrack is also made by Malcolm Sutherland.

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Screenshot of Holistic Strata
Copyright: YCAM
License: S20 Hiroaki Umeda

Holistic Strata by Hiroaki Umeda

"Holistic Strata is a YCAM (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media) original production developed with the Center's expert staff during the artist's stay in Yamaguchi, with the aim to break new ground in the filed of body expression integrating media technology....
Based on his own set designs mixing imagery and sound, Hiroaki Umeda equivalently combines in his pieces elements of light, sound, and the human body....
Look forward to a novel type of performance that will rock your body senses and challenge your perception."

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