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Projects filtered by tag 'poetic'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of Media Space / Presence 6.3 / Nowness edition
Copyright: Universal Everything

Media Space / Presence 6.3 / Nowness edition by Universal Everything

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of SNEJINKA.Chernishova.Pchela
Copyright: runata

SNEJINKA.Chernishova.Pchela by runata.

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of "This is Not a Time to Lie"
Copyright: RAY

"This is Not a Time to Lie" by Lei Lei.

"The young Chinese animator also known as “Ray” Lei crafts a hallucinatory short that follows a doe-eyed protagonist on a quest through an imagined world."

Animation: Lei Lei
Music: Li Xingyu
Rapper: J-fever

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"partir" (leaving)

By joanna lurie

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Screenshot of "partir" (leaving)
Copyright: joanna lurie

"partir" (leaving) by Joanna Lurie

"The life of two characters who follow each other beyond the walls."

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An Inversion (with Sky)

By micah stansell

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Screenshot of An Inversion (with Sky)
Copyright: micah stansell

An Inversion (with Sky) by Micah Stansell

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Screenshot of Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel
Copyright: Antoine Presles

Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel. Direction : Thomas Lelouch / Antoine Presles. Music : Yom and Wang Li " rings ", from "Green Apocalypse"

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By Delia Hess

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Screenshot of Partition
Copyright: Delia Hess

Partition by Eleonora Berra, Delia Hess & Shami Lang-Rinderspacher

Musik / Music: Michel Barengo [michelbarengo.com]
Sounddesign: Eleonora Berra, Thomas Gassmann

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