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Screenshot of Ni vu ni connu (this stays between us)
Copyright: Léon Moh-Cah

Ni vu ni connu (this stays between us) by Léon Moh-Cah

"As a consequence of a tiny accident, a butterfly effect reveals the not-so-secret-life of a building that could be facing yours."

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Screenshot of Ego Monuments - Montreal, Canada
Copyright: Isaac Cordal

Some interventions I have made in Montreal

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By Prawta Annez

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Screenshot of TOWELS
Copyright: Prawta Annez

TOWELS by Prawta Annez

Territory can be claimed in many different ways, be it borders or walls.
In summer, however, it's towels.

"Designed and written during the tense political climate of 2017, with the beginning of Brexit and Trump's inauguration, this short was a way to express my inner frustrations and reflections at the time.
However, it is interesting that there may be some parallels to our current situation in 2020.

I hope this short can be 4 minutes of fun and escapism for anyone who watches it, no matter where they may be or whatever they may be going through." - Prawta A.

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Screenshot of TNGHT - GIMME SUMMN
Copyright: Cole Kush


Directed by Cole Kush
Animated by Cole Kush, Christopher Rutledge, Denus Goo, & Laura Pumphrey

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Getting Started

By William J Crook

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Screenshot of Getting Started
Copyright: William J Crook

Getting Started by William J Crook

"Feeling frenetic, frustrated, ecstatic, distracted, it's all part of getting started."

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Fleshy Compromise_FaltyDL

By Thomas PonsPLUS

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Screenshot of Fleshy Compromise_FaltyDL
Copyright: Thomas PonsPLUS

Fleshy Compromise_FaltyDL by Thomas Pons

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Screenshot of Conception – Why I Won’t Teach My Son ‘Black Codes’
Copyright: The New York Times

Conception – Why I Won’t Teach My Son ‘Black Codes’ by The New York Times

"Her child is just 1, but she knows soon he will be perceived as a “big black boy.” Can she overcome the “systems” she feels are in place to oppress her young son?

Series Producer: Margaret Cheatham Williams

Animation by: Jocie Juritz

See the series:"

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