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Projects filtered by tag 'nature'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel
Copyright: Antoine Presles

Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel. Direction : Thomas Lelouch / Antoine Presles. Music : Yom and Wang Li " rings ", from "Green Apocalypse"

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By louis dufort

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of Pulsacion
Copyright: louis dufort

"Pulsacion". Videomusic piece for solo percussion by Louis Dufort and Philip Hornsey.

Music video for image synthesis (Louis Dufort) and percussion (Philip Hornsey). The piece got presented at MNM festival 2009, was produced as concert by ECM+
and the Montreal Conservatory of Music as part of a thematic concert around the Monarch Butterfly.

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