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Screenshot of Cumhur Jay - On & On - “Dyschronometria”
Copyright: Akihiko Taniguchi

On & On - “Dyschronometria” by Cumhur Jay and Akihiko Taniguchi

Taken from Cumhur Jay first album, "Dyschronometria", available on 23 June 2016
Label: HIGH:Controla / Subterfuge Records

Music produced by Cumhur Jay
Video produced by Akihiko Taniguchi

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Screenshot of Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera
Copyright: Tobias Gremmler

Virtual Actors in Chinese Opera by Tobias Gremmler

Created for a theatre production that fuses Chinese Opera with New Media, the virtual actors are inspired by shapes, colors and motions of traditional Chinese costumes and dance. The project made me think of how costumes and fashion could reshape a human body.

Theatre Credits:
Lord Guan Yu on Stage
Scriptwriter: Wang An-qi
Director and Designer: Mathias Woo @ Zuni Icosahedron
Digital Images: Tobias Gremmler
Performed by: GuoGuang Opera Company (Taipei)

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Auto by Conner Griffith

By Conner Griffith

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Screenshot of Auto by Conner Griffith
Copyright: Conner Griffith

Auto by Conner Griffith

Cars dance on highways, crowds of people wash across sidewalk shores.

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The Patton

By Ofir_matos

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Screenshot of The Patton
Copyright: Ofir_matos

The Patton
by Ofir Matos

"My graduation project at Bezalel academy of art and design.
The Patton is an app to play music, it doesn't matter if you know how.
Built in classic animation.
animation/ux design/ui design - Ofir Matos
programming/ sound design - Itai Matos"

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GRIDI tutorial

By yuval gerstein

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Screenshot of GRIDI tutorial
Copyright: yuval gerstein

GRIDI tutorial by Yuvi Gerstein

An elephant sice sequencer - " demonstrate the world of modern music composition and show that musical composition can be accessible and intuitive for all."

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Screenshot of The City – Five Years Older
Copyright: Dirk Koy

The City – Five Years Older by Dirk Koy

Music: Five Years Older
Concept and Animation: Dirk Koy, Equipo

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Moving Yerevan

By Jevan Chowdhury

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Screenshot of Moving Yerevan
Copyright: Jevan Chowdhury

Moving Yerevan by Jevan Chowdhury

"Moving Yerevan is an emotive response to the meeting of 47 dancers and the metropolis.

Too intuitive and almost impossible to clarify in formal terms, Moving Yerevan can be loosely described as playful filmmaking meets the hidden language of dance.

Yerevan is one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. The history of it's people simply measured in millennia.
I encourage all to take a brief look at Armenian history before watching."

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