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Screenshot of T/Aboret - ” MAK “
Copyright: T/Aboret

” MAK “
by T/Aboret

"Muzyka : T/Aboret

Fortepian, śpiew : Natalia Czekała
Suka biłgorajska, śpiew : Karolina Matuszkiewicz
Kontrabas : Artur Siejka
Instrumenty perkusyjne : Krzysztof Guzewicz

animacja : Ala nunu Leszyńska

Słowa i kompozycja : Natalia Czekała"

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Screenshot of Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard.
Copyright: a dandypunk

Heartcorps: Riders of the Storyboard. A live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017
Trailer for a live, immersive installation at Sundance New Frontier 2017 by Dandypunk, Darin Basile and Jo Cattell

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Screenshot of Funky Forest - Singapore Art Museum
Copyright: Design I/O

Funky Forest - Singapore Art Museum
by Design I/O

"Funky Forest is an interactive ecosystem where children create trees with their body and then use physical logs to divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive. The health of the trees contributes to the overall health of the forest and the types of creatures that inhabit it. Funky Forest is a collaborative space, where children can explore and experiment, setting their own objectives and creating their own stories.

Soundtrack courtesy of: Diederik Idenburg - M-OST -"

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Berlin // Presentness


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Screenshot of Berlin // Presentness

Berlin // Presentness


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Screenshot of Antithesis | Async | Ryuichi Sakamoto
Copyright: Kachi Chan
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SKIP&DIE - Wake up

By Rogier van der Zwaag

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Screenshot of SKIP&DIE - Wake up
Copyright: Rogier van der Zwaag

SKIP&DIE - Wake up
by Rogier van der Zwaag

"From the album “Cosmic Serpents” by SKIP&DIE (Crammed Dics)

Direction: Rogier van der Zwaag
Art direction: Jan Jasper van Oord
Creative direction: Catarina Aimée Dahms aka Cata.Pirata
Producer: Nahuel Blaton
Makeup artist: Fadim Kurt
Hair stylist: Charlotte Niketic
Production assistant: Katrin Krumm
Art assistant: Pius de Heus
Editing/ Animation: Rogier van der Zwaag
Assistant animator: Gauthier Idric
Colourist: Remi Lindenhovius"

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Screenshot of Porzellan / Porcelain - Joe Madog // Cité NOIR
Copyright: Cité Noir

Porzellan / Porcelain - Joe Madog // Cité NOIR

by Cité Noir

"Music by Joe Madog & The Trommelfellas // Visuals by CitéNOIR //

This animation film is a visualization of a song by Joe Madog, called "Porcelain". It deals with the theme of ephemerality and longing.
It's about the fragile things we hold precious,
trying to hold on to, but who will inevitably fade away,
vanish or break like porcelain.
The animation was pencilled on paper on a lighttable and then inked with brush and a light black ink and some gray inkwash, then arranged in a videosequencer frame by frame."

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