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By Lucija Mrzljak

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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of Kut
Copyright: Lucija Mrzljak

Kut by Lucija Mrzljak

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digicars dunne & raby

By dunne & raby

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of digicars dunne & raby
Copyright: dunne & raby

by dunne & raby

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Screenshot of John the Hairy Frog Ep.1 (2017)
Copyright: Luiz Stockler

John the Hairy Frog Ep.1 (2017)
by Luiz Stockler

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Bon Voyage

By Fabio Friedli

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Screenshot of Bon Voyage
Copyright: Fabio Friedli

Bon Voyage by Fabio Friedli

Script & Director: Fabio Friedli
Animation: Nils Hedinger, Martin Waespe, Fabio Friedli
Starring: Linford Boateng, Nik Rechsteiner
DOP & Light: Janosch Abel
Sounddesign & Mix: Thomas Gassmann
Foley: Dieter Hebben
Production: Gerd Gockel, HSLU Design & Kunst, Animation

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Screenshot of California Inspires Me - Narrated by Mike Mills
Copyright: Brian Rea

alifornia Inspires Me - Narrated by Mike Mills

"Director / artist Mike Mills tells his creative journey and speaks on his influences in “California Inspires Me,” a Google Play + California Sunday Magazine collaboration.
Film by Brian Rea + Pablo Delcan
Artwork by Brian Rea
Animation by Delcan & Company, Doe Rohan
Painting and production assistance by Jane Lee
Music by Shannon Ferguson"

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The Negotiation

By Lilli Carre

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of The Negotiation
Copyright: Lilli Carre

The Negotiation
by Lilli Carre

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of BitPixel + ScoreGenerator
Copyright: JH Park

BitPixel + ScoreGenerator (Prototype) by JH Park

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