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La Fete

By Malcolm Sutherland

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Screenshot of La Fete
Copyright: Malcolm Sutherland

La Fete by Malcolm Sutherland.

"A slow sketchbook-style animated film that takes a look at people at a 'La Fete Nationale' celebration in Montreal, Quebec..."

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By David Torrents

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Screenshot of BruumRuum!
Copyright: David Torrents

BruumRuum! - an interactive installation in Barcelona by David Torrents

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Tiny People Tribe

By Motomichi Studio

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Screenshot of Tiny People Tribe
Copyright: Motomichi Studio

"Tiny People Tribe" by Motomichi Studio, Quito Ecuador

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Screenshot of OscFluctuation
Copyright: CADET

OscFluctuation by CADET & PELS

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Screenshot of virtual free runner
Copyright: aircord

virtual free runner by aircord

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By Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

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Screenshot of EncuadrArte
Copyright: Pedro Deltell - Lemon Face Films

EncuadrArte by Pedro Deltell

BI-MA Interactive Installation for the Artdemossa. TorpeDeArte Collective.

El 24 de Julio en el Artdemossa durante las fiestas de Valdemossa Oigovisiones Team montó una fiesta-pipote con 5 proyectores reciclados, un par de cámaras, 8 ordenadores y una triplehead2go. ¡Este es el resultado!

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Highly Strung

By dave jones

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Screenshot of Highly Strung
Copyright: dave jones

"Highly Strung" by Dave Jones.

The performance of Highly Strung featuring the giant 14 meter puppet took place on the night of October 28th 2011 during the Nati Frinj festival. The puppet took ten people to operate and had animation (largely created by the children at the local primary school) projected onto it from projectors mounted both on the ground and in the head of the puppet itself. Music by Stephen Oakes

Filmed by, Jacqui Schulz, Dave Jones, Gareth Llewellin and Cindi Drennan
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