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By Páraic Mc Gloughlin

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Fits theses moodes:
Screenshot of Arena
Copyright: Páraic Mc Gloughlin

Arena by Páraic McGloughlin

"A brief look at the earth from above, based on the shapes we make, the game of life, our playing ground - Arena.

Created using Google Earth imagery.

Pearse McGloughlin and I collaborated on the audio resulting in something between music and a soundtrack.
Audio mastered by TJ LippleHear "

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Mexico City in a minute.

By Santiago Arau Pontone

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Screenshot of Mexico City in a minute.
Copyright: Santiago Arau Pontone

Mexico City in a minute.

By Santiago Arau Pontones

"Mexico City is impossible to describe; this video mixes time-lapses with drone shots that try to convey the city from a different perspective."

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Legal Errorist

By marliespucher

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Screenshot of Legal Errorist
Copyright: marliespucher

Legal Errorist / Liquid Loft by Chris Haring.

Choreography/Idea: Chris Haring
Dance: Stephanie Cumming
Sound: Glim

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By Yoko Yuki

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Screenshot of BARIKAN
Copyright: Yoko Yuki

BARIKAN by Yoko Yuki.

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By caleb wood

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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Plumb
Copyright: caleb wood

Plumb by Caleb Wood. A continuous vertical freehand digression.

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