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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Scramble Crossroad
Copyright: zuga

Scramble Crossroad by Futurismo Zugakousaku

"It is very dangerous to believe something blindly. It could lead to a limited view of the world in a state of mind control. We should remind ourselves that nothing is absolute. Everything is relative, and what it means depends on the relationship it is in with all else."

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Fractal Flowers

By Miguel Chevalie

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Screenshot of Fractal Flowers
Copyright: Miguel Chevalie

Fractal Flowers 2011 by Miguel Chevalier

Installation de réalité virtuelle générative et interactive
Festival La Novela, Musée d'art Moderne et
Contemporain - Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
3 vidéoprojecteur, 1 PC, 1 caméra infrarouge
33 x 7,50 m

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Das Lichtquant

By Laurent La Torpille

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Screenshot of Das Lichtquant
Copyright: Laurent La Torpille

Das Lichtquant by Laurent La Torpille

Installation arts numériques / Création 2013
X-Light / nuitnumérique #10 / Centre Culturel Saint-Exupéry / Reims

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By Steven Subotnick

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Screenshot of Two
Copyright: Steven Subotnick

Two by Steven Subotnick

A dialog between a pair of gestural ink abstractions.

Direction, production, animation: Steven Subotnick.
Music: File Under Toner, Lee Maddeford, MiaMia, Garth Knox, Fiendish Fib, Astroboiler.

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By Tina Tarpgaard

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Screenshot of FROST
Copyright: Tina Tarpgaard

FROST by Tina Tarpgaard

Frost is a dance performance where the warm intensity of the body contrasts with the frozen imprints left behind. It is a performance about memory.

Commissioned and produced by the Danish Dance Theatre.
Choreographer: Tina Tarpgaard
Dancers: Nelson R R Smith, Stinna Malmgreen, Minna Berglund, Luca Marazia, Ana Sendas and Csongor Szabo
Video and software artist: Jonas Jongejan, Ole Kristensen
Light design: Andreas Buhl
Composer: Jens Hørsving
Costumes: Charlotte Østergård

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By candas sisman

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Screenshot of KNiTT
Copyright: candas sisman

KNiTT - video for an audiovisual installation by Candas Sisman

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Origine du Monde

By Miguel Chevalier Plus

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Screenshot of Origine du Monde
Copyright: Miguel Chevalier Plus

Origine du Monde by Miguel Chevalier

Generative and interactive virtual reality installation
Power Pixels 2013, Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh (USA).
Music: Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
Software: Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret
Size: 25 x 4 m

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