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Highly Strung

By dave jones

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Screenshot of Highly Strung
Copyright: dave jones

"Highly Strung" by Dave Jones.

The performance of Highly Strung featuring the giant 14 meter puppet took place on the night of October 28th 2011 during the Nati Frinj festival. The puppet took ten people to operate and had animation (largely created by the children at the local primary school) projected onto it from projectors mounted both on the ground and in the head of the puppet itself. Music by Stephen Oakes

Filmed by, Jacqui Schulz, Dave Jones, Gareth Llewellin and Cindi Drennan
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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Messe de la pentecôte + light installation
Copyright: kurt laurenz theinert

Olivier Messiaen: Messe de la pentecôte + light installation with the visual piano by Kurt Laurenz Theinert (light) and Tobias Wittmann (organ).

Performance as part of "Klang Raum Geist", St. Fidelis, Stuttgart, Germany.

Sound and light join to create new forms, all the time. Moving light scluptures improvised by Kurt Laurenz Theinert and his unique »visual piano«. Tobias Wittmann creates innovative concert programs in collaboration with other art forms.

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Night Bright

By Design I/O

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Screenshot of Night Bright
Copyright: Design I/O

Night Bright by Emily Gobeille & Theo Watson

Night Bright is an interactive installation of nocturnal discovery where children use their bodies to light up the nighttime forest and discover the creatures that inhabit it. Listening to the creatures' sounds children can locate them in the forest, as they play a nighttime game of hide and seek.

Design I/O:
Created for Bumble Los Altos:
Music for this video created by Diederik Idenburg / MOST Original Soundtracks.

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By louis dufort

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Screenshot of Pulsacion
Copyright: louis dufort

"Pulsacion". Videomusic piece for solo percussion by Louis Dufort and Philip Hornsey.

Music video for image synthesis (Louis Dufort) and percussion (Philip Hornsey). The piece got presented at MNM festival 2009, was produced as concert by ECM+
and the Montreal Conservatory of Music as part of a thematic concert around the Monarch Butterfly.

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La Vague des Pixels

By Miguel Chevalier

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Screenshot of La Vague des Pixels
Copyright: Miguel Chevalier

La Vague des Pixels
by Nicolas Gaudelet and M.Chevalier

Virtual reality installation, video 15'
Music: Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
Carrières de Lumières, Baux de Provence
Festival a-part, International Festival of Contemporary Art, Alpilles Provence
70 videoprojectors, 20 speakers
7 000 m² / 64583 ft²
Software Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret

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Screenshot of Odyssey

Odyssey by Robert Wilson

Οδύσσεια, Robert Wilson / Odyssey by Robert Wilson

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By Baillat Cardell & fils

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Screenshot of Content for new screens...
Copyright: Baillat Cardell & fils

Video Installation at foyer of Place des Arts Complexe in Montreal by Baillat Cardell & fils in collaboration with the illustrators Capucine Labarthe and Lino. They capture in a metaphoric manner the inspirational process of those who create and the range of emotions felt by the spectators. Check for more infos about the artists.

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