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Fits theses moodes:
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Screenshot of La Vague des Pixels, hommage à Auguste Herbin
Copyright: Claude Mossessian

La Vague des Pixels, hommage à Auguste Herbin by Miguel Chevalier.

10 x 3 m

Un film de Claude Mossessian © Claude Mossessian

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Marcel, King of Tervuren

By Tom Schroeder

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Screenshot of Marcel, King of Tervuren
Copyright: Tom Schroeder

Marcel, King of Tervuren by Tom Schroeder

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Thirty masks

By Martine Frossard

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Screenshot of Thirty masks
Copyright: Martine Frossard

Thirty masks by Martine Frossard

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Digital Arabesques 2014

By Claude Mossessian

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Screenshot of Digital Arabesques 2014
Copyright: Claude Mossessian

Digital Arabesques 2014 by Miguel Chevalier

A film by Claude Mossessian © Claude Mossessian.
Islamic Art Festival, Al Majaz Water Front, Sharjah (UAE).

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Screenshot of For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw
Copyright: Xaver Xylophon

For Hire! Bangalore Rickshaw by Xaver Xylophon

"Green, yellow, black. They are the blood in the veins of Bangalore: the 450.000 rickshaws and their drivers. Knocked together from bits and pieces, decorated, ready for the junk heap or carefully maintained like antique cars, the vehicles are as charismatic as their owners, who brave the monstrous traffic of this metropolis daringly, sleepy, chattering or stoic, making sure the passanger's trip from A to B will be full of memorable experiences.
Based on days of riding around in rickshaws and drawings made locally, this animation captures the tough workaday life of a rickshaw driver, seen through the eyes of a European visitor."

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By Veronika Samartseva

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Screenshot of HELLO ANTENNA
Copyright: Veronika Samartseva

HELLO ANTENNA by Susie Asado (music) and Samo-Sama (Anna Bergmann + Veronika Samartseva, animation + direction)

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Wandernd Haus voll Vogelwasser

By Veronika Samartseva

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Screenshot of Wandernd Haus voll Vogelwasser
Copyright: Veronika Samartseva

Wandernd Haus voll Vogelwasser by Veronika Samartseva
Sound: Michal Krajczok, Music: Marian Mentrup

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