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Embraceds these philosophies:
Copyright: Stella Salumaa


"Sometimes life is like packed sardines - it is so narrow to be that you just can’t exist. You can try to escape from that situation or try to hide yourself. There is more air to breathe in your own mind world than in real world. This is how thinks the protagonist of this film, who hides himself into the mass of the other people, where no-one can see him and where it is possible for him to be in peace."

Animatsioon -- animation -- Stella Salumaa
Stsenaarium -- story -- Stella Salumaa
Kujundus -- disain -- Stella Salumaa
Muusika -- music -- Märt-Matis Lill
Heli -- sound -- Horret Kuus
Suur aitäh -- big thank you -- Priit and Olga Pärn

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By Jane Mumford

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Screenshot of Look
Copyright: Jane Mumford

by Jane Mumford and Justine Klaiber

Score - Christof Steinmann
Sound Design & Mixing - Thomas Gassmann
3D artist - Christoph Angehrn
Titles - David Zürcher
Mentors - Jürgen Haas, Robert Müller
Puppet building supervision - Gesine Richter

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Parametric Space

By Kollision

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Parametric Space
Copyright: Kollision

Parametric Space by Zaha Hadid Architects, Kollision, CAVI and Wahlberg.

Zaha Hadid Architects [] worked together with design office Kollision [], CAVI [] and Wahlberg [] to create the interactive installation 'Parametric Space' for the exhibition 'Zaha Hadid - World Architecture' at the Danish Architecture Centre [] 29 June - 29 September 2013.

The installation is a fully parametric space that reacts to the visitors' movements by changing shape and expression. At first glance the installation is a dark rectangular space - four walls, floor and ceiling. But the space change when visitors enter. What appears to be a normal flat ceiling reveals itself as a flexible membrane that starts to glow and physically move down into a funnel shape that slowly reaches out. Stepping closer to the funnel it moves further down; stepping back the membrane draws itself back, too. But the membrane does not only change its shape it is also brought to life by thousands of dynamic light particles inhabiting the surface reacting on the membrane movements, creating an almost dreamy but still tangible experience related to the parametrically architectural language that Zaha Hadid Architects are known for.

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while going to a condition

By S20 Hiroaki Umeda

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Screenshot of while going to a condition
Copyright: S20 Hiroaki Umeda

"while going to a condition" by Hiroaki Umeda.
- short version -

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