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Projects filtered by tag 'animals'. Click on any other tag button to switch the context, this project is currently in.
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Screenshot of SNEJINKA.Chernishova.Pchela
Copyright: runata

SNEJINKA.Chernishova.Pchela by runata.

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Patterned by Nature

By Sosolimited

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Screenshot of Patterned by Nature
Copyright: Sosolimited

Patterned by Nature by Plebian Design, Hypersonic Design & Engineering, Patten Studio and Sosolimited

"...10 feet wide and 90 feet in length, this sculptural ribbon winds through the five story atrium of the museum and is made of 3600 tiles of LCD glass. It runs on roughly 75 watts, less power than a laptop computer. Animations are created by independently varying the transparency of each piece of glass...."

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Screenshot of Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel
Copyright: Antoine Presles

Life Forms - a tribute to the scientist and artist Ernst Haeckel. Direction : Thomas Lelouch / Antoine Presles. Music : Yom and Wang Li " rings ", from "Green Apocalypse"

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The Making of Longbird

By Will Anderson

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Screenshot of The Making of Longbird
Copyright: Will Anderson

The Making of Longbird by Will Anderson.

Director: Will Anderson
Writer(s): Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson, Vitalij Sicinava
Producer: Donald Holwill.
Cast: Will Anderson, Tobias Feltus, Vitalij Sicinava
Music: Composer: Atzi
Piano Solo: Derek Williams
Violin: Kate Miguda
Cello, extra strings: Atzi
Sound Design: Keith Duncan

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Star Cross

By Ted Wiggn

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Screenshot of Star Cross
Copyright: Ted Wiggn

Star Cross by Ted Wigign.

A potted plant, Boolean bugs and a striped snake are drawn towards the light.

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snail trail

By Philipp Artus

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Screenshot of snail trail
Copyright: Philipp Artus

snail trail by Philipp Artus.

A snail invents the wheel and goes through a cultural evolution to finally get back to its origin.

"A laser animation is projected at an angle of 360° onto a column, so that the audience has to walk around to follow the course of the snail. The projection surface is of a phosphorescent material, which creates an after-glowing trail that fades out slowly."

Idea, animation, object: Philipp Artus
Music: Madalena Graça

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Screenshot of Rung
Copyright: CHUCK DUKE

Rung by Jessey Brodkey and Chuck Duke.

The short film was made over a six month period that started in 2007 and finished in 2008. "The film was shot on a 16mm Bolex Rex5 and everything was produced in-camera. Jesse and I spent many hours in a small warehouse studio space making this film. I can't thank Jesse enough for his help and dedication to "RUNG". It was screened at the Hiroshima Film Festival 2010." Chuck Duke

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