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The Whale Story

By Tess Martin

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Screenshot of The Whale Story
Copyright: Tess Martin

The Whale Story
by Tess Martin

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By Part of a Bigger Plan

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Screenshot of ARTIS LIVES
Copyright: Part of a Bigger Plan

by Part of a Bigger Plan

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Little Magic Stories

By Chris O'Shea

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Screenshot of Little Magic Stories
Copyright: Chris O'Shea

Little Magic Stories by Chris O'Shea

"This installation aims to encourage children to use their creativity to bring stories to life. It helps to improve their confidence in self expression and develops literacy and speaking skills. The installation allows them to create a performance from within their imagination, on stage, in front of an audience of family and friends.

The use of technology literally brings their drawings to life on stage, allowing them to interact and respond to their creations in real time. By using a holographic projection film; sets, characters and objects appear to float on stage alongside the performers. A camera and custom software track the performers, allowing the scene to react in a playful & more dynamic way.

For children who show disinterest in writing stories and drawing, but love to play video games, this project hopes to inspire them to participate, creating their own immersive worlds that they can be proud to express their own creations through."

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Screenshot of Carnival Interactive Aquarium
Copyright: Todd vanderlin

Carnival Interactive Aquarium by Todd vanderlin

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Tears of Inge (2013)

By Alisi Telengut

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Screenshot of Tears of Inge (2013)
Copyright: Alisi Telengut

Tears of Inge (2013)
(English subtitles)
by Alisi Telengut

"A Mongolian nomadic story narrated by my grandmother."

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Gallery Invasion

By Skullmapping

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Screenshot of Gallery Invasion
Copyright: Skullmapping

Gallery Invasion by Skullmapping

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