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El delirio del pez león

By Quique Rivera Rivera

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of El delirio del pez león
Copyright: Quique Rivera Rivera

El delirio del pez león (2012)
from Quique Rivera Rivera

Written, animated, and directed by Quique Rivera Rivera
Inspired by the Lionfish plague, this underwater neo-noir tells a story about greed and hierarchy in the Caribbean reefs.

Costume design: Melissa Piekaar,
Music: Etiennne Rivera-Percussion and sound effects
Melody: Yenn-Chello, Quique Rivera-Saxophone
Sound mix: Ashish Dha, Rafaello Mazza

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Il Pagliaio


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Fits theses moodes:
Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Il Pagliaio

Il Pagliaio - Aurora Meccanica. Video Mapping installation presented at "Il Pagliaio" a slace for research and creation of contemporary arts such as performing arts, theater, site-specific music, videos and installations.

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Screenshot of Piano Migrations Installation
Copyright: Kathy Hinde

Installation by Kathy Hinde

"The inside of an old upright piano, rescued from destruction, is transformed into a kinetic sound sculpture. Video projections move across the surface of the piano strings, triggering small machines to twitch and flutter causing the strings to resonate. The video is visually akin to a musical score or piano roll, and this installation can also become the site for a live performance.
The video is analysed by a MaxMSP patch which divides the screen into a 5x5 grid to correspond to the motors and solenoids which are also arranged in a 5x5 grid on the piano. Movement or any change sensed in the video triggers a device in the corresponding square of the grid - the result is that the fluttering and movement of a bird triggers a device closest to it on the piano.
MaxMSP programming by Matthew Olden
First created in 2008, this new version commissioned by Lumin, May 2010 for Concrete and Glass Festival, 20 Hoxton Square Gallery, London"

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