Max Cooper - Identity - Official Video by Pylik
By Max Cooper
Max Cooper - Identity - Official Video by Pylik
"Finding our identity amongst the barrage of incoming ideas is a difficult thing. Family, religion, nationality, friends, press, politics, socials, what’s right, wrong, acceptable, reprehensible, cool or not, so many things trying to make us think and behave in a certain way. And often at odds with each other, with us left in the middle of it, trying to figure out who WE are.....
Eugene Pylinsky created a great visual rendering of the idea in parallel, with a digital self bombarded by news, ideals and value judgements in an intense glitching format fitting for the track. It’s been one of my live show highlights because of the intensity Eugene has created visually, and hopefully will make for a nice music video too.
- Max Cooper"
"... The idea of the video is 'Identity'. All of us come under the influence of informational environment around us. It impacts us, shapes us and opens up our personality. We both find and lose ourselves in it.
I was trying to find balance between web and live versions of the video. That’s why I decided to generate strong graphics, like barcode and qr code, in my compositions, with characters melting and disappearing in it. I paid much attention to synchronize the music with graphics to deliver intensity, atmosphere.
Big thanks to Max Cooper who entrust me to create video for his music track 'Identity', and to my friend Roman Scrypchenko for helping me with direction....
- Eugene Pylinsky (Pylik) - Director"
By Jarring Effects
Extracted from the album SEWING MACHINE EFFECTS
Directed by Fanelie Muselier
@ Jarring Effects Label (03.01.2019)
Buy / Stream the Album here :
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