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By sougwen

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Screenshot of CHIAROSCURO
Copyright: sougwen

CHIAROSCURO — Installation by Sougwen Chung

The installation is a contemporary interpretation of "Chiaroscuro", a term more commonly associated with 17th century painting, that is as hand-made as it is digitally enabled.

Drawing in the installation is the fundamental element -- spanning the physical structure, the light-mapping and the projection itself. By digitizing the drawing, the simple expression of mark-making becomes transmutable.

More info about the project at

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Screenshot of Messe de la pentecôte + light installation
Copyright: kurt laurenz theinert

Olivier Messiaen: Messe de la pentecôte + light installation with the visual piano by Kurt Laurenz Theinert (light) and Tobias Wittmann (organ).

Performance as part of "Klang Raum Geist", St. Fidelis, Stuttgart, Germany.

Sound and light join to create new forms, all the time. Moving light scluptures improvised by Kurt Laurenz Theinert and his unique »visual piano«. Tobias Wittmann creates innovative concert programs in collaboration with other art forms.

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By public*reality

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Screenshot of Among
Copyright: public*reality

Among by public*reality

Among is the concept of an audiovisual installtion where a sonic and luminous environment composed of articulated tubular lights, their pulsation and movement is conditioned by a computer vision system that observes living ants in an antquarium.

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By Lizzie Oxby

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Screenshot of Extn.21
Copyright: Lizzie Oxby

Extn.21 by Lizzie Oxby

Extn.21 is a short film about one man’s desire to be heard. The film uses an innovative blend of atmospheric stop-frame animation, live action performance (a live action head on a stop-frame puppet) and digital effects to create a dark world of uncertain reality (9 mins).

If you would like to see a 3-minute making of the film, it can be seen here:

Director: Lizzie Oxby
Production company: Finetake
Commission: Channel 4 Television

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Surviving Life

By Bertie Sampson (L.E.G)

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Screenshot of Surviving Life
Copyright: Bertie Sampson (L.E.G)

Surviving Life by Bertie Sampson L.E.G

Mapping installation based on the film Surviving Life directed by Jan Švankmajer. Music by Emir Kusturica. Acting by L.E.G with star appearance by Boubou. Editing by Bertie Sampson
Mor on

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Curious Creatures

By Jimmy McGilchrist

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Screenshot of Curious Creatures
Copyright: Jimmy McGilchrist

Curious Creatures by Jimmy McGilchrist

"Strange encounters are reported from the festival site as inquisitive and beautiful creatures venture in from the surrounding woods."

Curious Creatures is a large scale augmented reality projection project combining high end animation, sound design, gaming, installation art and electronic music. The work has been designed to reach new audiences in the festival environment. In 2011 Curious Creatures was installed at the Lismore Lantern Parade in Lismore NSW and Splendour in the Grass festival in Woodfordia QLD Australia.

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In Order to Control


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Screenshot of In Order to Control
Copyright: NOTA BENE Visual

In Order to Control - Interactive Installation by Nota Bene.

Installation at Freemote'11 & Fiber Festival in the Nutrecht Rail Factory & Trouw Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Nota Bene is a multi-disciplinary studio based in Istanbul, specialized in digital experiences with the newest technology for global brands & artistic platforms by focussing on video projection mapping, interactive experiences and installations.

Project Management: Burak Gölge
Art Director: Ayşegül Kantarcı
Installation Design: Tevfik R. Gözlükçü
Concept: Murat Can Oğuz
Synopsis: Murat Can Oğuz, Ayşegül Kantarcı
Translation: Begüm Avar
Edited Video Sound: Amon Tobin

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