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By Steve Cutts

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Screenshot of Happiness
Copyright: Steve Cutts

Happiness by Stefe Cutts

"The story of a rodent's unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment."

Directed and animated by Steve Cutts.

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Random walks

By Borbála Tompa

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Random walks
Copyright: Borbála Tompa

Random walks
by Borbála Tompa

"... We follow the story of five immigrants in Budapest, two of whom still lives here as refugees...."

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By KOTKI visuals

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Screenshot of EMBODYMENTO.
Copyright: KOTKI visuals

EMBODYMENTO. Architecture Mapping Dance Performance by KOTKI visuals

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Screenshot of Just Dance: Able - NOWNESS
Copyright: NOWNESS

Just Dance: Able - NOWNESS

Ill-Abilities Crew:
Luca "Lazyleg" Patuelli
Jacob "Kujo" Lyons
Redouan "Redo" Ait Chitt
Sergio David "Checho" Miranda Carvajal
Samuel Henrique "Samuka" Da Silveira Lima

Director: Jacob Jonas
Producer: Jill Wilson
Photographer: Jed Alan, Jacob Jonas
Music: Chad Lawson

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By Fela & Etienne

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Screenshot of Hypertrain
Copyright: Fela & Etienne

Hypertrain by Etienne Kompis and Fela Bellotto,

"On a train trip through spatial and temporal dimensions the traveller suddenly comes across himself. #cat"

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By Lucija Mrzljak

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Embraceds these philosophies:
Screenshot of Kut
Copyright: Lucija Mrzljak

Kut by Lucija Mrzljak

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